Read Swords And Deviltry
Now you can Read Book Swords And Deviltry with detailed description:In the snowy reaches of ancient land ruled by witches and demons, the young prince Fafhrd battles his clan for his honor and freedom.
Beset by the spells of his evil mother and enchanted by the dancing of a beautiful actress, Fafhrd is driven into exile by his uncontrollable desire for adventure and exotic love.
Meanwhile, the apprentice magicianthe Gray Mouserreturns to Nehwon from a quest only to find his master, the great white wizard, dead. With revenge in his heart, the Gray Mouser risks everything to inflict vengeance on the evil Duke, gaining in the process an unholy access to the evil arts of black magic.
Fafhrd and the Gray Mouserbrothers in armsmeet one dark night in the great and amoral city of Lankhmar, the glittering gem of Nehwon. Fighting side by side, they cement a friendship that will span the ages and lead them to the outer reaches of Nehwon and beyond.…
"Fritz Leiber's tales of Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser are virtually a genre unto themselves. Urbane,idiosyncratic, comic, erotic and human, spiked with believable action and the eerie creations of a master fantasist!" William Gibson
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